This program is available in some communities. Select your community from the drop-down to see what programs are available to you.  

Get money back from Efficiency Smart on your purchase of qualified energy-efficient products.

This rebate offer is good while funds are available and may be subject to change without prior notice. All rebate requests must be postmarked or emailed within three months of purchase date and no later than January 7 of the following year. Eligible products must be installed at an address served by a participating electric system. All products must be new to qualify. Used or refurbished products are not eligible for a rebate. Rebates will only cover up to the purchase price of the item.

Your information

Installation address

Mailing address

Available rebates

Please select the boxes below to reveal the rebate fields for your chosen rebates.

Smart Thermostats

Air Source Heat Pumps

For your air source heat pump please include either the AHRI Reference number (option 1) or the product information (option 2)
Option 1
Option 2
All air source heat pumps
Please upload a copy of your dated sales receipt or invoice that identifies: Licensed contractor’s name, address, and phone number; make and model of installed equipment; installation date and address; total amount paid.

Electric Clothes Dryers

Clothes Washers

Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pumps

For your cold climate air source heat pump please include either the AHRI Reference number (option 1) or the product information (option 2)
Option 1
Option 2
All cold climate air source heat pumps
Please upload a copy of your dated sales receipt or invoice that identifies: Licensed contractor’s name, address, and phone number; make and model of installed equipment; installation date and address; total amount paid.

Air Purifiers

ENERGY STAR® Dehumidifiers

ENERGY STAR® Heat Pump Water Heaters

Pool Pumps and Controllers

ENERGY STAR® Refrigerators

Window Air Conditioners

Central Air Conditioners

For your central air conditioner please include either the AHRI Reference number (option 1) or the product information (option 2)
Option 1
Option 2
All central air conditioners
Please upload a copy of your dated sales receipt or invoice that identifies: Licensed contractor’s name, address, and phone number; make and model of installed equipment; installation date and address; total amount paid.

How did you hear about Efficiency Smart’s Rebates?

Check all that apply:

Would you like to receive energy efficiency tips and promotions from Efficiency Smart?

Only those customers who have a current account with a municipal electric system that participates in Efficiency Smart and whose product(s) meets all requirements are eligible for rebates.

You will receive a thank you notification once your rebate application has been successfully received.

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